So, this week we weren't in our area that much we had so many meetings we had to go to! First we had to leave Mattawa early Wednesday night to go down to Pasco for a mission tour by Elder Arnold on Thursday because there was going to be freezing rain Wednesday night and there definitely was.... I woke up Thursday morning and saw how icy it was outside so I wanted to go outside and see. So I go out and it was Icy! One of my ZLs Elder Huntington said Ill race you to the car and back! So, of course I said yes and took off! Its not easy running on Ice. I took my first steps and totally slipped and flipped on to my back on the street. Haha But after the ice melted we went to see Elder Arnold. It was such an awesome and Spiritual experience. He was such a powerful speaker and helped me so much be a better missionary!
We talked to a guy named Juan yesterday who was very stand offish at first because he was into the Catholic church. We kept bearing our testimonies and finally we asked him if he wants to live with his family forever. This is him pretty hard. He said that it was to good to be true and was just fighting with the Spirit. We ended up teaching him more of the Plan of salvation. I am so grateful for the knowledge that we have that Families can be together forever.
Hey mom how is everyone doing? I wish I could be there so bad in Colorado with you guys!! How is the snow?? It doesn't really snow here but it is super icy and frosty!!! I got my B day package and all the letters I loved all of them thank you so much!! Tell Christian I got them last Tuesday! Elder Fraser Is a pretty cool guy. He's a farm boy from Thatcher Utah. Being a DL is crazy! I’m in a “Sistrict” so everyone is sisters except for me and Elder Fraser. So, I'm known as the Relief Society President… haha I have a District Meeting tomorrow and I have to train all the missionaries on how to be better... Im pretty nervous!
Yes, I have learned that so many people have hard times around the holidays.
There’s a part member family in the ward. The wife is a recent convert and they just got married a couple days ago. But we are trying to meet with Husband but he hides from us and hates these holidays because last year there son shot himself at christmas. It devastated the family as you can imagine and they are so hurt the family. Its such a sad story but an amazing story to see how the wife reacted. She was baptized because of her sons death. She says how the gospel changed her perspective and now says that she was happy for the times she had with her son Alex and knows that she will see him again!! Its amazing the peace people get from the Gospel. I am grateful for the knowledge it gives me.
I love you!! I am sorry I will miss the annual family TURKEY BOWL!. Don’t hurt any of the cousins Dad trying to take my place just because the best player is serving a mission! hahaha!
Oh ya I got the Jacket last week ITS SO WARM!!!! I LOVE it! Thank you everyone for your love and support and thank you grandps for making me Hungry for Belgium waffles, smoked cheese and some deer sausage!;) I met another Canadian Elder on Thursday because we slept at his place and he had smoked MOOSE!! IT WAS DELICIOUS!!!
Love you so much!!!
Elder Woodward