November 17, 2014 Transfers
Hey Everyone!
What a crazy week! Transfers ended this week and we were anxious to see who was going and who was staying. Elder Hudson and I got the craziest call Saturday morning. Elder Hudson was freaking out because he thought he was going to be called to Zone Leader this transfer! So all morning we were freaking out waiting to know what was going to happen. Then we get a call from President Ware and he said he needed to talk to both of us.... I freaked out when he said that! He asked me to be a District Leader and Elder Hudson is going to Wenatche to be Zone leader. I was freaking out because I thought there was no way how I could be DL after 12 weeks so I wasn’t even thinking about it. My new companion will be Elder Fraser who is only been out 18 weeks. So between the two of us we have only had 5 transfers. Our Spanish is going to need a lot of help from the Lord!!! So, I was doubting myself big time. But remembered how the Lord gives us callings to help us grow and to make sure we are stretched out of our comfort zones.
This week was full of miracles me and Elder Hudson found 11 new investigators Mattawa is doing so awesome the work is picking up like crazy!!! We taught this guy Martin who has a family of 6. His family is everything to him. He wants the best for them but is really hesitant because he wants to make the right choice for him and his family. We taught him the Restoration and really focused on how this Gospel blesses families and he loved it. He wanted to learn so much more!We told him to take it one step at a time and he agreed and we’re teaching him later this week. This next week is going to be crazy I meet Elder Fraser tomorrow and we have a whole bunch of meetings this week. Elder Arnold of the first quorum of the 70 is coming to do a mission tour I cant wait to learn from him on Thursday!
We are heading to Othello to get our mail today. There is a package there I am sure it is my coat.
My favorite thing about Mattawa: I love the people they are awesome and so nice!
I love you so much!!!
Con Amor!
Elder Woodward
Today was interesting I opened up my email from Jaxon and saw that he is getting moms old phone....... Don’t worry I have come to peace about the no smart phones until high school rule and related it to the scriptures... Law of Moses was only intact until Jesus Christ came to fulfill it and established a new law. hahaha
Love ya!
Elder Woodward