December 2, 2014
Hello Everyone,This week was one of my hardest but spiritual best weeks of my mission. SO, Tuesday I was doing my Training and Never felt so nervous in my life!! I dont think I did very good. I was so nervous that I was awkward and ya haha it was just a pretty bad training but next time I think I will feel better haha.
We put Rodrigo and Magdalena on date for the 20th of December!!! Only thing is I dont think there married... So please have them in your prayers! He is a stud he knows the Book of Mormon is true and thats the best to know because once he knows that he knows the church is true and Joseph Smith was a prophet.
BEST PART OF MY MISSION RIGHT HERE..... On Sunday I got to interview Eladio Aparacio to be baptized (thats something I have to do as a District Leader) Cooloest most humbling expierience of my mission. He was testifying to me the whole time it took an hour and a half! Before I even started he just kept saying how much he loves the church and how he knows Thomas S Monson is a prophet. He was the coolest guy I have ever met! He said how he will never stop at baptism. He said this is like an olympic event and the 4 years of training is our life the 4 min race is after this life. He was so awesome! It was the most coolest part of my mission.
Sorry for not sending pictures. I have them on my camera not here so next week!
Did you get the pic from the member? Thanksgiving they took a pic and sent it to you. We had a great thanksgiving at a members home. The made the most delicious food! I'm sorry but Jaxons emails to me are my favorite I laugh so hard haha he is hilarious!!
I went to the temple today! I LOVE THE TEMPLE! Its amazing to feel the spirit there and to recive so much revelation for my investigators!
Can you send me finding faith in christ? I started reading it ( yes, I read books now...haha) when Elder Hudson was here but he left with the book and the Book is AWESOME!!
The Birds took us to the temple today! She treats me like I'm her son haha I bought some milk of magnesia for my weekly planning meetings. My zone leaders said they take it and it makes them feel better and like a new person, you know me and the poop thing don't get along right :). Well she freaked out! She said thats going to make you feel like crap haha and she bought me some other stuff haha.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for the shirts and sweaters and the beanie!
Thank you so much for the b-day week!!!
Tell Patricia Muchisimas Gracias para la carta. It was so nice being able to read her card!!!
I love you all so much!!!
Elder Woodward