Meet the Snake
Here is the pictures of the snake we caught in our apartment last week
Its crazy this is the last week with the transfer especially crazy that its the end of my first 12 weeks. I’m going to miss Elder Hudson! We have had so much fun and laugh all the time! He’s such a weird guy, I love it haha! Time flew by I still feel like I just got off the plane in Pasco. This week was crazy! We found 8 new investigators this week. Its been so hard though to find them back home though. We now have a nice teaching pool which is what we asked of the Lord but now its finding the Elect and help guide them back to the Savior! This week we found a new family, well it was 2 brothers. They loved what we taught. One of them was recently married so we were so pumped to teach them. We set a return appointment and when we went back the mom was not liking what we were teaching and said that they are a catholic home and will never join the church. It was really hard to hear that and see how much they needed and would love the Gospel in their lives. We had the opportunity to go to a baptism of one of the Sister companionship's in Royal. It was so awesome!! The spirit was so strong it was a little 9 year old boy and he shared his testimony and it was so strong and awesome to hear his testimony how short and simple but how powerful it was. Me and Elder Hudson are excited to work again this week and cant wait to see more miracles the Lord is going to bless us with!
Con Amor
Elder Woodward
Hey mom thanks for the pics! I’ve been thinking about you guys all week! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Thank you so much for showing me what I want in my life an eternal family with so much love and happiness. How did FHE go on Monday? Did you read D&C? Did you like it? I love you so much thank you for the amazing example you have shown me and for always loving me! I am reminded of you every day! Elder Hudson is a very tight guy and has to have everything clean so when I don’t clean up something he gets on me hahaha! You would be amazed how clean I am…hahahThank you for always helping me become the man I am today and for always being happy!!
Hows your calling been? I know that the Lord gives us callings and leadership positions not only because we are the best for that but because we need to grow and that through putting Faith in him and humbling ourselves we will grow so much and be the Leader he wants us to be!!!
That is awesome about the scripture I am so happy you loved it! Serving a mission has helped me so much feeling the atonement!! Its an amazing blessing and sacrifice the Lord gave us! I love you mom!! We find out this Saturday who gets transferred it could be anyone its crazy!!!!
- For Halloween we had to come in by 6 and played yahtzee over the phone with the zone. hahaha
- On Pday we go to Othello and play basketball at the stake center with the rest of the missionaries and do our shopping. Next week I am hoping to go on this cool hike on the top of a mountain.
- It’s below freezing this week and we are supposed to get snow the rest of the week. I am going to need a heavy coat. There isn't anywhere to shop even in Othello so could you send me one.
- Sorry I don’t take more pictures. I don’t know what to take pictures of. Elder Hudson and I agree we are horrible at taking pictures but I will get better!
I love YOU!
Elder Woodward