Week 9
Hey Guys,
This week was so awesome and spiritual even though a lot of stuff didn’t happen, the Spirit was so strong! It’s so hard teaching to people and feeling the spirit so strong in the room but they don’t want to accept it and use their agency for the bad! I was able to go on exchanges with my zone leaders because Elder Hudson is District Leader I was able to go with Elder Duwonna-Hammond!!!!! His name is so AWESOME! He’s From Ghana we were just tracting out and met this guy who you could tell was just not happy! Elder D-Hamm went up to him and started talking to him he talked about how could there be a God? He was in a gang and saw his family die... It was so sad and he kept saying how could there be a God that would let people go through this..... It really hit me and I didn’t know what to say. Elder D-Hamm said just these simple words, I know that there is a God. I do not know why you had to go through what you have gone through but I know that if you listen to our message you will feel his love and will know that your family is okay.... It was so powerful and the guy said okay and wanted to meet up with him later that day! Everything is awesome here in Mattawa!! I love the people even when its hard and I love serving the Lord!!!
Love you all so much!
Elder Woodward