Week 10 photos of Mi Casa
A few pictures of where I live. We live in a basement.
Not a lot of crazy stories this week besides getting attacked by these little demon dogs also know as Chihuahua's aka the city pet of Mattawa!! We got 3 investigators one of them is already progressing her name is Anaíd its a part member family. The husband Josh is a less active and wants nothing to do with the church again. But Anaíd loves it she says how much better she feels after we visit and we talked about eternal families and she was crying and wanted it so bad!!!! I love the family they have so much potential. Kevin, Josh’s little brother just got back from his mission and is helping us so much!!!!! Our other investigator is Fransisco he knows that the church is true but just doesn’t want to mess up. The other is Amalia she is the mother of a former investigator Iloy. She said she loved how much better he looked when he was taking the discussions but didn't know why he was better. We are meeting with her again this week!!!
Everyone read 2 Nephi: 31 this week its one of my favorite scriptures that talks a lot about the Doctrine of Christ!
Elder Woodward