Week 6 Kennewick Here I Come!!!
Last day with my zone at the CCM with one of our teachers
Kennewick Here I Come!!!
I’m so excited to leave the CCM it has been amazing experience I loved it here!! It was hard saying good bye to the teachers that I have spent so much time with. I loved all of them. Our teacher today Hermana Siera said something that will help me in my mission. She said memories will be our roses in the darkest of times. I leave tonight for the airport. We have 16 hours of travel with lay overs then we arrive in Kennewick.
I was very sick this week and was not able to go outside of the casa until Saturday! We had an amazing devotional and video!! Elder Bednar kept saying YOU CAN DO THIS and I loved that!!! He said over and over how God wants us here and its his work that he will continue to help us and grow!!! I have never felt closer to Jesus Christ and God here. I feel their love each and every day!! I am grateful for the atoning sacrifice Jesus Christ made for us. He knows everything we have been through and knows how we will get through it!! I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the people of Kennewick WA and perform the Lords work!!
I love you guys so much
Elder Woodward